Create a high performing website with Evenium Facility

Website design changes very quickly these days, influenced by the rapid spreading of new modes of navigation (increasing use of smartphones and tablets) or graphic changes (new Apple, Microsoft interfaces, etc.). We are here to offer you a new design for your website created with our Evenium Facility solution.

Opt for a horizontal menu

Even though the current trend is “Long Scrolling” – where the entire website content is accessible from the same page, and to view it you only need to progressively scroll down – in the case of an event-related website, we strongly encourage using a horizontal menu. This way, your guests can find all relevant information in a glance, without having to scroll down – enrollment page, practical info, etc. Access more tips to create your event website.

A more “visual” website

As you have probably noticed, visual content (pictures, video etc.) is now an essential part of a good website. To focus on that, you can now place a bigger picture at the top of your Internet Facility website, adhering to the standards of most websites and especially to your guests’ expectations.

A must: a responsive website

According to eMarketer, by 2017, Internet access via mobile (tablet or smartphone) will exceed access via computer. In offer to offer users an optimal experience, your website has to be responsive, meaning that the content has to automatically adapt to the size of screen of the viewing device. With the new Facility website design, this is now possible! Your entire website as well as all pictures that you add to the content, will automatically be displayed responsively.

Always more personalization

To keep your website aligned to your graphic charter or to that of your event, you can now take your site’s personalization one step further by choosing the color of the menu, buttons, background, etc.

Contact us to find out more about our latest features and/or to discover the new website for your future event!

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