
In our ultra-connected world, event attendees are constantly surrounded by distractions and the work of speakers to captivate their audience can be challenging. Evenium ConnexMe helps you deliver a presentation that will engage and transform your audience.

Make the presence of every participant matter

Monologue-style presentations are a thing of the past. Creating a two-way conversation with your audience is the best way to engage your attendees. By giving them a voice, asking them questions or making them vote, you’ll foster engagement and leverage the knowledge of the group.

Become a facilitator of interactions...

Elevate the attendee experience with content designed to be interactive, using slides and documents that they annotate to learn faster and retain longer. Encourage group work and collaboration through visual polling, digital whiteboarding, and sharing ideas. By creating a connection between participants and content, you will build interest and keep attendees involved throughout your presentation

…and a leader that motivates/inspires the crowd

Event tech gives you more control over your presentation and helps ensure a good interactive flow. By giving the audience opportunities to be active and contribute, you’ll foster engagement that has true impact. Creating a real dialogue with engaged participants will not only empower them, but also allow you to learn from them and use this knowledge to become a better leader.

You are one click away to having a real impact on your audience